Using and Managing Fonts
have never been so easy!

Free Fonts · Google Fonts · Font Manager · Cloud Library
More Practical Features, All in FontApp

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Find Your Ideal Font with FontAppFree Download

More Exclusive Features of FontAppFree Download

Use Fonts

One-Click Activation

You can activate or deactivate your fonts with one click in the FontApp client, greatly improving your productivity.

One-Click Font Change

In design softwares such as PS, AI, ID, CDR, etc., select the text and click on the desired font in FontApp for a quick font change.

Compact Mode

FontApp can switch to compact mode, the simplified UI will help you focus on productivity.


When FontApp window is at the edge of screen, the window can automatically hide, and expand when the mouse hovers over the edge of screen.

Select Fonts

Precision Search

FontApp supports searching by font name or family name, providing quick and accurate search results.

Multi-Dimensional Filtering

FontApp supports multiple filters such as language, type, tags, and weight, allowing you to quickly find the font you want.

Real-Time Preview

FontApp supports real-time preview. You can type the desired text, and FontApp will show the preview.

Free Font Store

The FontApp Font Store offers both free fonts and commercial fonts from major font foundries.

Google Font

You can use Google Fonts with just one click. You can also filter/search Google Fonts.

Manage Fonts


You can group fonts based on own preference such as category and usage frequency. Group info will be automatically synchronized across multiple devices.

My Fonts

FontApp securely store your starred, group and activation data in the cloud.

Cloud Library

Supports uploading local font files to your personal Cloud Library.

Compact Mode
One-Click Activation
One-Click Font Change
Precision Search
Real-Time Preview Multi-Dimensional Filtering
Free Font Store Google Font
My Fonts
Cloud Library

FontApp compatible with design software

FontApp is your ideal font manager
When you're using along with design software. Simply click the desired font in FontApp, and the selected text's font in the design software will be changed.
Free Download


FontApp is an all-in-one font manager
for individuals and enterprises.

FontApp brings you exclusive features including Free fonts collection, one-click access to Google Fonts, personal Cloud library, simplified but powerful font usage and management.
Free Download